Sunday 25 March 2012

How to play tennis

Tennis is a sport that is played all over the world, and is fun none the less. This Instructable is designed to teach the basics of tennis, as well as some advanced tips to improve your game.

Whether you are just beginning, or hoping to refine your game, continue to read this Instructable!

Step 1Choosing a raquet

When looking to buy a raquet, you should figure out the level of play you are at.

Beginners might want to choose a head that is wider, which reduces the chance of missing the ball. More experienced players might want to choose a more narrow head which has more power and accuracy.

The material used for the raquet are nowadays synthetic materials such as composites and others. Wood is out of date, but you can always go old school.

Younger players might want to choose a raquet that is lighter so it is easier to hit the ball. As you grow older, you will become stronger, and a heavier raquet will be needed.

Step 2Tennis Grip

The grip on your raquet is an important aspect in your tennis play.

You should grip the tennis raquet loosley between strokes, but when you are about to swing, it is better to tighten your hold.

The following is the Eastern Grip
1)Note that the eastern grip is popular with beginners and is widely used with forehands because of its comfort. The grip can also be used to hit backhands, serves and volleys.
2)Hold the racket in front of you in your left hand (or right hand if you're a left-handed player).
3)Rotate the racket so that the face (strings) of the racket is perpendicular to the ground.
4)Lay the palm of your free hand flat on the face of the racket.
5)Move your palm toward your body, down the shaft of the racket, until it hits the end of the handle.
6)Wrap your fingers around the handle and space them slightly apart. Your thumb and forefinger should lie almost directly on top of the handle, forming a V that points toward your right shoulder (toward your left shoulder if you're left-handed). Your thumb should lie across the top of the handle.

Continental Grip
1)Note that the continental grip is used by more advanced players in serving and volleying. Begin by forming an eastern grip.
2)Ease your grip and turn the racket with your left hand (or right hand if you're a left-handed player).
3)Turn the racket until it is perpendicular to the ground, or pointing to the "12 o'clock" position. Then, if you are right-handed, turn the racket to about the "1 o'clock" position. If you are left-handed, turn the racket to the "11 o'clock" position.
4)Wrap your fingers around the handle and space them slightly apart. The V formed by the thumb and forefinger should point toward you, and the thumb should lie along the length of the handle. The bottom knuckle of your index finger should lie right on top of the racket.

'Western Grip
1)Note that the western grip is excellent in forehand play but feels awkward for beginners, especially when used for backhands, serves and volleys. Advanced players often use it to enhance their forehand play.
2)Start by holding the racket with an eastern grip.
3)Relax your grip and turn the racket counterclockwise until the top of the racket points toward the "11 o'clock" position. Left-handed players should turn the racket clockwise to the "1 o'clock" position.
4)Wrap your fingers around the handle and space them apart slightly. The V formation should point to your right (or left), and your thumb should lie across the top of the handle.

Step 3Forehand Stroke

The forehand stroke is usually the most powerful and the stroke most users want to use. Of course it has to be on the right side of the person to get the forehand stroke.

The forehand in tennis is a shot made by swinging the racquet across one's body in the direction of where the player wants to place the shot. For a right-handed player, the forehand is a stroke that begins on the right side of his body, continues across his body as contact is made with the ball, and ends on the left side of his body. It is considered the easiest shot to master, perhaps because it is the most natural stroke. Beginners and advanced players often have better forehands than any other shots and use it as a weapon.

The way I learned was to:
Break Up (Release two handed grip)
Come Around (Begin to come around in a circular form)
Contact (Make contact with the ball)
Follow Through (Follow through over your shoulder)
Finish Up (Just finish the stroke)
Back to the ready position (Back in the two handed grip)

Step 4Backhand Stroke

The backhand stroke is when the ball is on the opposite side of you. It is the opposite of the forehand.

There are two types of back hands. There is the two-handed back hand, which is the first picture below. There is also the one handed back hand which are primarily the same thing, except you are using different amounts of hands.

The backhand in tennis is a stroke hit by swinging the racquet away from one's body in the direction of where the player wants the ball to go. For a right-handed player, a backhand begins on the left side of his body, continues across his body as contact is made with the ball, and ends on the right side of his body. It can be either a one-handed or a two-handed stroke.

The backhand is generally considered more difficult to master than the forehand. Because the dominant hand "pulls" into the shot, instead of pushing, the backhand generally lacks the power and consistency of a forehand. Beginner and club-level players often have difficulty hitting a backhand and junior players often have trouble because they are not strong enough to hit it. Even many advanced players have a significantly better forehand than backhand, and there are many strategies based on exploiting this weakness.

Step 5Volleys

Net play is an important aspect to playing tennis. At the net, the player will primarily use a volley to hit the ball.

The volley is when the ball does not hit the ground before you hit it. It is out of the air pretty much.

You want to get yourself about 3 feet away from the net. Make sure you keep your feet shoulder width apart. Hold your racket in your continental grip. Keep the racket in front of you, with the head pointing up. The bottom of the handle should be even with your belly button. Lightly hold the top portion of the racket handle with the fingers of your non-dominant hand. Bend your knees slightly. You should be able to feel some strain on your quadriceps muscles (in your thighs).

Step toward the ball with your left foot (or your right foot if you're left-handed) as the ball is hit toward you above waist level. Turn your shoulders slightly to the right (or left) until you bring the racket back to a point even with your right (or left) shoulder. This motion should be smooth.

Drive the racket forward to meet the ball - use a quick "punching" motion. The head should be vertical and the ball should strike the face evenly. Make contact as the ball is about even with your right (or left) shoulder.

Turn your racket hand slightly so that the palm faces the ball upon contact. This turns the racket face so that the ball hits squarely off the strings.

Follow through slightly with your swing. The follow-through for the volley is shorter than that for the regular forehand ground stroke; the racket should not cross the front of your body.

Step 6The Serve

The serve in tennis is a shot to start a point. The serve is usually initiated by tossing the ball into the air and hitting it (usually near the apex of its trajectory) into the diagonally opposite service box without touching the net. It may be performed underhand or overhead. The serve is the only shot where a player can take his time to set up, instead of having to react to an opponent's shot.

The serve is one of the more difficult shots for a novice, but once mastered it can be a considerable advantage. Advanced players can hit the serve in many different ways and often use it as an offensive weapon to gain an advantage in the point or to win it outright. Because of this, professional players win most of their service games, and the breaking serve plays a crucial role in a match.

If you miss their opposite service box, then you get another chance, and that is considered a fault. Doing this twice is called a double fault, and you lose the point.

Step next

To make it easier, I just added the link of the course on how to play tennis below:

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Tips For Using Weight Loss Drugs

Obesity is fast becoming the number one health problem in developed and developing countries worldwide, the problem is now affecting a large number of school-age children. For some, this decision is simple, and they just write a check for the operation, while others prefer the harder approach is consistent with the reality of obtaining and monitoring their diet. Another group prefers to use the weight of drugs to help them lose weight, so that results can be seen in a shorter time.

The drugs work to raise the level of serotonin in the brain, they believe that the stomach is already full, thereby increasing the metabolic rate of a person. Only when scientists discovered that these drugs have side effects, and have been linked to heart valve disease that they were removed from shelves. You can not win, though, manufacturers have introduced updated drugs prescribed by doctors but the FDA approval process is slow.

You may know who has used these pills, several times, and first-hand understanding of how useful they can be. This proposal is tempting to lose weight while maintaining the same diet who would say no? Weight loss drug manufacturers spend huge sums on research, but it can not be compared with the amount spent by consumers.

In later weight control pills may be prescribed by your doctor, dietitian or purchased in pharmacies and, despite advances in drug manufacture, there is a risk in including vomiting and stomach problems. Surprisingly more dangerous side effects exist including stroke, heart attack, kidney failure to name only a few, so these drugs are still far from safe to use.

It is always a good idea to you doctor before taking any course of drugs, which may reduce the possibility of some side effects occur, although this may depend on the genetic makeup of the person using them. Other problems may also arise when the pill is discontinued. Effect of withdrawal of pills are irritability, nausea, depression, fatigue and insomnia to name only a few of the reported conditions.

Although these weight loss drugs do work to increase the beneficial effects occurs when regular exercise held together with food. This type of nutrition requires a balance of food groups to ensure adequate consumption of vitamins, minerals and fiber, almost all of which can be bought at the local supermarket, but you may need a little training.

Implementation will need to be carried out, if you want to take healthy food option, but it is likely to be developed in advance with your doctor. A good exercise plan with the weights will help improve the body’s ability to burn calories and maintain a healthy heart.

Monday 29 August 2011

How To Lose Weight Fast And Free

Many people would like to lose weight fast and free for many reasons. First of all they want to lose weight free because they know that the weight loss instructors are overcharging them in a majority of the cases. Secondly they know that all the work has to be done by them and not the weight-loss instructors.They want to lose weight because they know that they will look and feel better while they will live a healthier life as well.

The amount of weight that each individual needs to lose varies from individual to individual. Some are way over weight while some just need to lose a little excessive weight that may not appear too obvious but the loss will definitely have a good bearing on the over-all health of the person.

Here are a few tips on how to lose weight fast and free:
First of all it is important to understand that losing a lot of weight over a short period of time is downright dangerous. It can have an adverse affect on the heart and other vital organs. So set yourself a realistic target, like a couple of pounds a week at the most. Believe it or not but the more overweight a person is the more likely it is to achieve the target. So to begin your program to lose weight fast and free you should weigh yourself and make a note of the weight. Then set a target weight a week down the line and get to work.

Make a note of all the stuff you eat on a typical day. Try to change that around as much as you possibly can. One trick is to keep some low calorie drink in the house and drink a glass of it every 90 minutes to keep the hunger pangs away.
Eat little and eat often. You will be surprised how many calories you will have cut down in a day by this technique.

Drink a lot of water like 3 to 4 liters a day. Try to drink room temperature water and not chilled water. Keep four bottles of water for yourself and try to drink them every day.
Drastically change around your diet. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rather than processed foods and meats. If you have to eat meat save the delight for the weekends. Develop a taste for the food you want to change over to. This is because it will help you to change around your lifestyle completely. Remember that it is your lifestyle that has gifted you with your excess weight and if you want to lose weight and keep it off you will have to give up your past lifestyle too.

Exercise is something that must get equal importance in your weight loss program. You don't need to pump iron daily and get bored in the bargain. Nor do you have to stick to an aerobatic exercise routine. What you do need to do is to get more active, Walk when you can instead of driving, stand as much as you sit and take the stairs instead of the elevator. All this will contribute to you losing weight fast and free without you even noticing that you are putting in an effort to do so.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Sports & Fitness ideas

Sports can be a great way to get in shape or stay that way. Having a specific goal can be a great motivator. Physically, you need strength and endurance. Your training will vary with your sport. You would not train the same way for pole vaulting as for swimming. You might, however, cross train. Cross training simply means that you include a variety of fitness activities in your program. Research shows that cross training builds stronger bones.

Remember to listen to your body. If you frequently feel exhausted or you are in pain, you may be overdoing it. Injuries can be the result. And be sure that you use your body and your equipment safely. What you eat and drink is also important. Water is the most important nutrient for active people. Drink it before, during and after workouts.

Sports Injuries

Exercising is good for you, but sometimes you can injure yourself when you play sports or exercise. Accidents, poor training practices or improper gear can cause them. Some people get hurt because they are not in shape. Not warming up or stretching enough can also lead to injuries.

The most common sports injuries are

*Sprains and strains
*Knee injuries
*Swollen muscles
*Achilles tendon injuries
*Pain along the shin bone

If you get hurt, stop playing. Continuing to play or exercise can cause more harm. Treatment often begins with the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) method to relieve pain, reduce swelling and speed healing. Other possible treatments include pain relievers, keeping the injured area from moving, rehabilitation and sometimes surgery.

Sports Safety

Playing sports can be fun, but they can also be dangerous if you are not careful. You can help prevent injuries by

*Getting a physical to make sure you are healthy before you start playing your sport
*Wearing the right shoes, gear and equipment
*Drinking lots of water
*Warming up and stretching

If you have already hurt yourself playing a sport, make sure you recover completely before you start up again. If possible, protect the injured part of your body with padding, a brace or special equipment. When you do start playing again, start slowly.